Inkido challenge – Scandinavian style

This is my entry for the January challenge at Inkido, with the Scandinavian style in mind. What do you think?


Cosiness at the stable

I made the layout quite clean and simple, like the Scandinavian style.


I have used a mask, some gesso and crackle paint to create the stone wall behind my daughter and our horse. I also painted some gesso on the edges of the photo and on the branch to make it look soft and pale, like the Scandinavian style.



I also used champagne pearls and light blue rhinestones from Inkido.



If you would like to play along, just follow this link to Inkido!

14 reaktioner till “Inkido challenge – Scandinavian style

  1. Nuuuuu gick det att kommentera, äntligen! Du har skapat en så vacker, mild och stämningsfull layout vännen! Älskar den! Tack för att du ville vara med på Inkidos utmaning! Kram!


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